Catatan Bahasa Inggris

Greeting ( ucapan salam)
Example  :
  1. Good morning ( 00 - 12.00 a.m.)
  2. Good noon ( at exacly at 12.00 a.m. )
  3. Good afternoon ( 13.00 - 17.00 p.m. )
  4. Good evening ( 18.00 - 24.00 p.m. )

Leave taking ( ucapan perpisahan )
Example    :
  1. Formal leaving   : is used for formal situation : Good bye, Good night ( time to go to bed )
  2. Informal leaving : if we part with our friends, classmates or close friends in relax situation we can say  :
  • Expressions : cherio, bye-bye, bye, bye now bye seeing you, G' bye, see you.
  • Responds    : cherio, bye-bye, bye, bye now bye seeing you, G' bye, see you.     
Muhamad Arief